The Fit WIFE: SoulCycle Newport Bch

Soul Cycle, Newport Beach

FINALLY! The wives of Newport Beach have a SoulCycle to call their own. The new Orange County studio boasts a 58-bike studio and additional rider amenities include six showers, multiple bathrooms, and a locker area.

The signature SoulCycle workout releases stress, burns fat, tones muscles and will help you find the joy in movement, while changing your body. The experience is known to be addicting with high energy, fast results and a community atmosphere. It is here riders engage in high intensity cardio (burning between 500-700 calories in 45-minutes), while also toning the upper body using hand weights and core-engaging choreography.

You can find SoulCycle Newport Beach in the famed Fashion Island. SoulCycle is the destination where you take a journey, change your body and find your soul.  -THE WIFE™


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